Apr 302013
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Director: “Quiet Please. We’re rolling.”

Camera – Focus is on inside of solid door from distance. Zoom in and hold.

Director: “Action”

German Shepherd head butts the door, comes crashing through and says in a very deep voice: “You can’t handle the truth!”

Director: “Cut!” “Wrong movie. Let’s try that again. Everybody, take your places. Action!”

German Shepherd (head still sticking through the hole in door, and with those insane Cujo-like eyes): “Here’ssssssssssssssssss Johnny!”

Director: “Cut! That was perfect.”


This is just an example of the silly stuff that went through my head when I first saw this photo on Facebook. Does anyone else create these scenarios in their head, usually starting with a random thought or image? Please say yes, so I don’t think I’m crazy. LOL! ~Susan


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 Posted by on April 30, 2013

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