Apr 092012

Image of Jewel (Oprah's Book Club)

By Bret Lott
Oprah Book Club® Selection #23, January 1999

Editorial Review:

The year is 1943 and life is good for Jewel Hilburn, her husband, Leston, and their five children. Although there’s a war on, the Mississippi economy is booming, providing plenty of business for the hardworking family. And even the news that eldest son James has enlisted is mitigated by the fact that Jewel, now pushing 40, is pregnant with one last child. Her joy is slightly clouded, however, when her childhood friend Cathedral arrives at the door with a troubling prophecy: “I say unto you that the baby you be carrying be yo’ hardship, be yo’ test in this world. This be my prophesying unto you, Miss Jewel.” Continue reading »