Aug 302011
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How many times have you seen the following posted on your Facebook page:

Place whatever disease/illness you can think of here . . . I am asking if everyone could put this as their status for 1 hour. I’m pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has or has had [Place same disease/illness here]. My wish is that in 2011 a cure will be found. Will you post it for 1 hour. To honor those who have fought or are fighting [Place same disease/illness here]

You can fill in the blanks with any of the following diseases/illnesses and the message is still the same.

    Brain tumors
    Cerebral palsy
    Drug addiction
    Heart disease
    Kidney disease
    Muscular Dystrophy
    Multiple Sclerosis
    Parkinson’s disease

There are just too many to list. You can find just about any disease you can think of, and many more that you can’t, at Wikipedia – List of Diseases:

I’m not trying to be facetious, really I’m not. My heart breaks whenever I see one of these posts, and they appear way too frequently. It’s just that I care about so many people with a variety of illnesses, and I know that I can’t post a message for every one of them. Well, maybe I just did. But these posts always give me the same feeling I get from chain letters. Not that the Facebook messages are threatening me with bodily harm or bankruptcy if I don’t pass it on to all of my friends and family, but I don’t like feeling obligated to post something that I’m sure my friends and family have already seen a hundred times before. Any thoughts?

Don’t get me started on Farmville!  


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