Aug 272011
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Do you ever wonder if anyone’s really listening to you? Do you find yourself talking to the TV or the cat? Do you ever feel like you’re invisible?

This happens to me all the time. I usually start out talking to my husband or my son, but when I turn around they are nowhere to be seen. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, my husband will have reached the top of the stairs and he’ll say, “Did you say something?” It can be frustrating, but I’ve grown used to it. Most of the time, neither one of them can stay still long enough to have a conversation.

This is how I feel about my writing, too, except there aren’t that many things that I write that are publicly available to read. I really don’t mind if no one’s reading what I have to say, but I wonder all the same. It doesn’t matter, though, I’ll just continue to post whatever I am thinking about at the time. Maybe some day someone will stop in to say . I look forward to it.


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I created this blog just so I could write about anything and everything that comes to mind, whatever I feel like saying, whenever I feel like posting. This is not a Christian-only site or a political board filled with propaganda and rhetoric. I want my blog to be fun and interesting, offering people helpful tips and information, as well as thoughtful and entertaining content. Thanks for visiting!
 Posted by on August 27, 2011

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