Aug 092011
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I meant to post this yesterday, August 8th, but things got so hectic I didn’t get the chance. I wrote this sometime in the afternoon, around 3-4 pm, while I was fiddling with installing my new blog.

Oh, my goodness! There’s a storm coming through and the thunder is loud and the crack of lightning sounds close. I never know if it’s the thunder making that loud noise, but it sounds to me like lightning hitting a tree or something. I don’t know, but it was loud. My first thought was, man, that sounds close.

My poor cat, Ibis, came crawling out of the kitchen, very slowly, crouching as low as he could as he crawled towards me. I knew he didn’t like rain and thunder, but I’ve never seen him do that before. Considering how fat he is, it’s difficult to crouch without his belly dragging along the floor. It’s odd because he’s perfectly safe in the kitchen, or living room, or just about anywhere in the house, but he’s a scaredy cat.

So, I picked him up and carried him to the half-bath on the main floor at the top of the stairs; it seems to be the only room where he feels safe, without windows. Well, except for the bedroom closets, that’s really his favorite place, but he’s not allowed in there, ever. My husband is allergic, and our bedroom and spare room are the only rooms that are off limits to Ibis. So, with the bathroom door cracked open a bit, there he will lay until the thunder stops.

He is such a scaredy cat. He runs and hides whenever he hears someone at the door, and especially when someone is actually invited in. When he was a kitten, and until he got way too fat, he used to hide under the sofa. He would crawl from the top between the cushions. He did that with the recliner chairs, too. We were always afraid to open and close the recliner for fear of him getting caught up in the mechanism. But, finally, he would start mewing for us to let him out.


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